How I Beat B.E.C
The Bahamas Electricity Corporation is one of the most hated companies in the country due to their high rates and frequent power outtages but is it possible to beat them at their own game? Both...
View ArticleHow To Get Publicity for Your Art Show
Getting people to come to an art show is almost an art in itself. So where ever you are and whatever your artistic medium, consider this a quick and dirty guide to getting eyes on your work Our second...
View ArticleLife’s Simple Pleasures
Every now and then I dedicate a post to little pleasures that; if they do not bring joy then they at least help me get through the day. BTW: I had planned to write a post on the value of mediocrity...
View ArticleFive Tips for Learning to Surf after 40
This is a guest post from Jay Recinto from Warm Winds Surf Shop on Rhode Island. While I’m an avid snorkeler, I’ve never tried surfing but I’m willing to listen to what an expert says on the topic....
View ArticleHow to Impress A Woman on Valentine’s Day When You Are Broke .
“Blow me a kiss from across the room Say I look nice when I’m not Touch my hair as you pass my chair Little things mean a lot Give me your arm as we cross the street Call me at six on the dot A line a...
View ArticleBest Year Ever(Intro). What Does It Mean? How To Achieve It.
What does it mean to have your ‘Best Year Ever’? Can you plan to have such a year, or is it a year when the stars align to deliver unimaginable luck. To me, a great year is one in which you meet all...
View ArticleGetting Promoted. 4 Life Hacks
I wrote a whole other blog post on this topic but I didn’t like it because it seemed to gloss over some of the major secrets of my success. I’ll tell you what they are without beating around the bush....
View ArticleFrom The Bahamas to Norway. What I Learned About Tourism.
Way back when, somewhere between the first and second time bell-bottom jeans became fashionable, I made a Bucket List. On that list, I put three places I wanted to reach before the age of 50. They...
View ArticleHow to Have a Successful Art Show: 4 more tips
How do you define a ‘successful’ art show? My definition is quite simple, any show where people come, enjoy themselves and most importantly spend money, I consider successful. There’s a number of...
View ArticleLearning a New Language After 40
Many of us over the age of forty remember the boring, endless repetition of our first foreign language classes. The “Amo, Amas, Amat” chant from my grade 7 (form 1) Latin class still ring in memory,...
View ArticleBest Year Ever: Failures
If you’ve followed along in my best year ever series, “THANKS!” If you haven’t shame on you, here’s a recap. I set five major and two minor goals for the year 2017. They were: Get promoted...
View ArticleThe Ultimate Lifehack App
“We must make haste then, not only because we are nearer daily to death but also because the conception of things and the understanding of them cease first.” Meditations – Emperor Marcus Aurelius...
View ArticlePersonal Development through Craftsmanship
Craftsmanship – The quality of design and work shown in something; artistry. Oxford Dictionary What is the effect of long-term dedication to a craft? I know from the calluses in my palms that...
View Article7 Hazards To Look Out for After Hurricanes
Even if you and your family have escaped injury and death during the storm, there are some not so obvious hazards after a hurricane. You think that just because the winds have died, the sun is shining...
View Article11 Things You Didn’t Know About The Bahamas
The Bahamas is best known as a Caribbean tourist destination but actually, it’s not, see No.6 on this list. In sports, in international relations, in its wildlife, and geography The Bahamas is...
View ArticleMerry Christmas From The Mid-life Man – 2018
To those who are regular readers and to those who stumbled upon this blog, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 2018 was a good year for me and I hope that despite any ups and downs, it was a good...
View ArticleAtomic Habits: A Book Review
A new year, a new you. This year for sure, you’re going to hit the gym, go to bed on time, stop eating so much junk food, start that business, follow your passion. Or, maybe not. A University of...
View ArticleWhat a Former Navy SEAL Can Teach Us About Daily Focus
Have you ever had the feeling that you were just muddling through your day, or spent it paralyzed by indecision? Ever sat at work and opened your e-mail, only to have the rest of the day go by in a...
View ArticleDealing With Rejection: 4 Tips for Freelance Writers
Years ago I lived on a very small island with a total population of under 500 people. Living in a place where everybody knows your name is wonderful. There are also downsides. One of them is that...
View ArticleThe Best Of Writings of A Mid-Life Man
When I launched this blog back in 2012, there were grandiose plans of becoming a blogging superstar. These plans were derailed for a number of reasons, including putting more effort into getting...
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