Election Day: Vote for You
Today is an Election Day. On the ticket, two candidates, the incumbent, YOU; stuck in limbo, concerning your Health, Career, Social Life and Finances. The challenger, also YOU, but a better version....
View ArticleCovid -19: The Opportunities
This post is for people who realize that there is always room for Personal Development/Self Improvement, even during a pandemic and are lucky enough to still be employed. The book Antifragile puts...
View ArticleSmall Move, Big Change: Book Review
Making behavior change easier Throughout this post, I use the words ‘habits’ and ‘behaviours’ interchangeably. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. Aristotle...
View ArticleWhy You Fail At SMART Goals and What To Do About It.
What are SMART goals? For those who need a reminder, S.M.A.R.T is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Anyone interested in self-improvement has come across...
View ArticleMotivation: How to Get Some
What it is, What it isn’t and What To Do When You Don’t Have Any No interview with the rich and famous is complete without the obligatory, “How do you stay motivated?” question. The answer usually...
View ArticleTiny Habits: A Book Review
What is the least you can do to be the best you can be? Tiny Habits answers this question and several others on behaviour change and self-improvement. Tiny Habits by B.J Fogg Phd. $16.79USD (Amazon)...
View Article4 Reasons You Need To Write, Often
Here are four reasons why you need to pick up that pen, find some paper, and start writing. The post 4 Reasons You Need To Write, Often appeared first on Writings of A Mid-life Man.
View ArticleHow to Avoid Anxiety: The Keanu Reeves Method
Anxiety, Depression and suicidal thoughts are on the rise. What can we learn from Keanu Reeves to combat these feelings? The post How to Avoid Anxiety: The Keanu Reeves Method appeared first on...
View ArticleThanks and Good Riddance 2020
As I publish this on the last day of 2020, despite not knowing what the new year holds, everyone is glad to see the end of this one. .........I also hope that you have gained a better understanding of...
View ArticleCultivating A Healthy Mind
The garden I suggest is a garden of the Mind. A mental garden with many of the benefits of a real garden but without the need for bags of nasty smelling fertilizer. The post Cultivating A Healthy Mind...
View ArticleEulogy for a Favourite Aunt
I miss Aunt Elva but the passage of time has made the happy times stand out and the sad ones more bearable. Here is what I learned from her life. The post Eulogy for a Favourite Aunt appeared first on...
View ArticleHow to Avoid Bullsh*t
After more than a decade as a speechwriter, I know one thing with great certainty; people love hearing Bullsh*t. Yes, you too, dear reader. The most frequently stated piece of B.S in the world is, “I...
View ArticleWhy Your Work Sucks and Your Projects are Late.
Here is an explanation as to why your job sucks and your projects are late. We'll use as an example a small, almost fictitious team tasked with creating a new app. First, we’ll get to know the team...
View ArticleHow To Dodge Job Burnout
And What To Do If You Are Already Suffering This post explains WHY you may feel burnt out, HOW Americans have become especially susceptible to it, and WHAT to do for recovery. Definition of The Problem...
View ArticleMake 2023 Your Best Year Ever Starting Today
When it comes to keeping resolutions and changing behaviour there is one principle that you need to understand, the EASIER something is to do, the more likely you are to do it. The second principle is,...
View ArticleDeath, Happiness, and You
Death focuses the mind like nothing else. One effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is that more people understand the pursuit of happiness. The post Death, Happiness, and You appeared first on Writings of A...
View ArticleWhy We Argue and How To Stop: A Book Review
Why We Argue and How To Stop by Jerry Manney. This book explains why we get into arguments through false expectations. Through Personal Development and journaling, we can learn to argue less. The post...
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